VCAP6-DCV Deploy Exam Experience



Took the exam VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 — Data Center Virtualization Deploy exam on 30th August 2017  and really happy to share that i have passed this exam too.

Few tips for everyone who are preparing for the exam:

Before starting this exam stay relax as you will have to spend lots of time understanding questions and performing tasks as per understanding, so stay relaxed and use all your experaicnce on vSphere , vSAN  , vSphere replication and VDP.This is the exam for the people who works on these product on daily basis and understands each and every aspect of vSphere , HA , DRS , vMotion , dvSwtich , some basic understanding of PowerCLI  , troubleshooting , esxi command lines etc..  , I would suggest to follow blueprint and practice as much as you can and practice will lead to you towards successes. To get the feel of exam , i would highly recommend everyone to visit Hands on Labs and test out few labs which will give you a brief idea on how to deal with the desktop during the actual exam.

When writing VCAP6-DCV Deploy exam every seconds count , so I would suggest spend time reading the questions thoroughly before starting the task it’s going to be beneficial at-least it was in my case because I was able to save a lot of time when doing the tasks.

Be aware that CRTL, ALT and BACKSPACE are not working go back using arrow keys and then press delete it’s better to make use of on screen keyboard if you wish to copy and paste.

Best of luck to everyone who are preparing for the VCAP Deploy exam!!!